  • 2024/06/11: The paper for FoldPAthreader was accepted for publication by Genome Biology.
  • 2023/11/18: FoldPAthreader was developed: a new folding force field was designed based on MSTA extracted from known protein universe, which guided the                          simulation of the microscopic dynamic of protein folding.
  • 2023/03/18: PAthreader was reported by the Center for Bioinformatics Research and Technology CBIRT.
  • 2022/11/26: PAthreader was randked No. 1 for the protein structure prediction in the six months CAMEO blind test.
  • 2022/07/08: PAthreader was randked No. 1 for the protein structure prediction in the three months CAMEO blind test.
  • 2022/06/18: We developed PAthreader for the remote homologous template recognition and protein folding pathway prediction.

  • References
  • Kailong Zhao, Pengxin Zhao, Suhui Wang, Yuhao Xia, Guijun Zhang. FoldPAthreader: predicting protein folding pathway using a novel folding force field model derived from known protein universe. Genome Biology, 25, 152, 2024. DOI:
  • Kailong Zhao, Fang Liang, Yuhao Xia, Minghua Hou, Guijun Zhang. Recent advances in protein folding pathway prediction through computational methods. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 31(26): 4111-4126, 2024. DOI:
  • Kailong Zhao, Yuhao Xia, Fujin Zhang, Xiaogen Zhou, Guijun Zhang. Protein structure and folding pathway prediction based on remote homologs recognition using PAthreader. Communications biology, 6, 243, 2023. DOI: