Welcome to FoldPAthreader
FoldPAthreader is a new protein folding pathway prediction method that designs a new force field
to guide the folding of amino acid chains into their native state through a series of transition
states and potential intermediates. Given the query sequence of a target protein, three-dimensional
structure is first modeled and the similar structures of the target are searched from the AlphaFold
DB50 libraries. Then, structures similar to the target with TM-score ≥ 0.3 are selected for multiple
structures alignment (MSTA), and residue frequency distribution information are extracted, which is
further designed as a statistical potential energy function combined with the residue distance
information extracted from the predicted structure. Meanwhile, a high-quality fragment library was
constructed based on the candidate structures screened from MSTA. Finally, the protein folding pathway
is simulated through three-stage conformational sampling based on fragment assembly guided by
statistical and physical potential energy force fields using different energy terms and weights.
The server is freely accessible for every users, including commericial users.
Folding Pathway Prediction
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PAthreader is a method for the remote homologous template recognition.
First, the structure profile is extracted from PAcluster80, a template
library constructed by clustering PDB and AlphaFold DB with a threshold of 80% structural
similarity. Meanwhile, the distance profile is predicted by our in-house DeepMDisPre. Then,
a three-track alignment algorithm is proposed to align the query sequence to each cluster seed
to get the maximum alignment score (alignScore). As an supplement to alignScore,
the physical and geometric features of the alignment structure are extracted and fed into a
convolutional network with self-attention to predict DMScore (pDMScore), a global structure
scoring metric linearly weighted with the alignScore for the template ranking.
The server is freely accessible for every users, including commericial users.
Remote Template Recognition
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PAthreader library download:
PAthreader deep learning model download:
PAcluster80 download:
PAcluster80 1.2 (PDB: December 2022, AFDB: March 2022)
PAcluster80 1.1 (PDB: August 2020, AFDB: March 2022)
PDBcluster80 (PDB: August 2020)