DeepAssembly is designed to automatically construct multi-domain protein or complex structure through inter-domain interactions from deep learning. Starting from the input sequence of multi-domain protein (or protein complex), DeepAssembly first generates MSAs from genetic databases and searches for templates using our in-house PAthreader. Meanwhile, the input sequence is split into single-domain sequences by a domain boundary predictor, and then the structure for each domain is generated by single-domain structure predictor. Subsequently, features extracted from MSAs, templates and domain boundary information are fed into a deep neural network with self-attention to predict rotations, translations between inter-domain residues, and convert them into inter-domain interactions. Finally, DeepAssembly performs the creation of the initial full-length structure using the single-domain structures, followed by multiple steps of iterative population-based rotation angle optimization and atomic-level structure refinements. The domain assembly simulation is driven by the atomic coordinate deviation potential transformed from predicted inter-domain interactions, where the best conformation by our in-house model quality assessment is selected as the final output structure.


  • 2024/07/13: DeepAssembly version 2.0 (DeepAssembly2) is developed.
  • 2023/05/03: The server adds protein complex structure assembly functioin.
  • 2022/05/28: DeepAssembly was randked No. 1 for the protein structure prediction in the 1 week CAMEO blind test.
  • 2022/05/21: We developed DeepAssembly for multi-domain protein structure assembly.

  • Reference

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    • Kailong Zhao, Yuhao Xia, Fujin Zhang, Xiaogen Zhou, Stan Z. Li*, Guijun Zhang*. Protein structure and folding pathway prediction based on remote homologs recognition using PAthreader. Communications biology, 6, 243 (2023). DOI:
    • Dong Liu, Biao Zhang, Jun Liu, Hui Li*, Le Song*, Guijun Zhang*. Assessing protein model quality based on deep graph coupled networks using protein language model. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 25, bbad420 (2023). DOI: