finalModel.pdb represents the final model of SADA. geom_acc.npz is the predicted distribution based on the sequence in alignedSequence.txt. dist.txt is the inter-residue distance information by Gaussian fitting. (1st column: residue i; 2nd column: residue j; 3rd column: the distance of residue pair(i,j) with the highest probability in geom_acc.npz; 4rd column: maximum probability of distance in geom_acc.npz; 5rd column: mean of distance of residue pair(i,j), Gaussian Fit; 6rd column: standard deviation of distance of residue pair(i,j), Gaussian Fit; ) AnaloguesInfo.txt briefly illustrates the information of the top 1 structural analogue (LSscore, TM-score of each domain, length of analogue, sequence identity between input sequence and analogue sequence). analogue_xxxxx.pdb is the structure of structural analogue. Please report errors and questions to